… go to Africa. Often and by many referred to as “the dark continent”. But is everything about it really as dark as we may tend to think? Or perhaps it is a place where cultures and beliefs thrive. Perhaps it’s a place that could teach us a thing or two about tolerance and acceptance of diversity. Perhaps it’s a place where you can feel welcome, even as a white, European teengae girl. This theory was tested by Lena, our first guest. Her story is that of a smalltown kid, who was mesmerized by images of far-away lands and ever since, felt compelled to get out into the world. And so she did. As a high school student, Lena left her tiny Austrian village and went on a year-long student exchange to South Africa. She lived with an African family, went to an African school and made friends with African teenagers. Now she’s studying in Poznan and was nice enough to sit down with us and tell us all about her extraordinary life abroad.
Everything from a mysterious “money-in-your-bra” technique to decorating a Christmass palm tree, to explaining why it is that Southern Africans always shout – we have it all (and more!)
With a pinch of humor running parallel to a bit of reflection on culture and society, we bring you our first broadcast. Enjoy!