I suppose everyone has those moments when they stop and think: “I want to get out of here”. I wanna go somewhere. I wanna do something, push myself a little. Unlike our parents or our parents’ parents, we are very […]
3 wpisy
… go to Africa. Often and by many referred to as “the dark continent”. But is everything about it really as dark as we may tend to think? Or perhaps it is a place where cultures and beliefs thrive. Perhaps […]
Przestrzeń Kultury – 05.04.2018 Prowadzi: Kamil Malicki, Małgosia Orechwo Realizuje: Hubert Weydmann Gośćmi audycji „Przestrzeń Kultury” w Radiu Meteor byli organizatorzy akcji CoolTour’a de Europe, czyli czwórka studentów z Poznania, którzy zamierzają pojechać do Tbilisi używanym busem. Planują pokonać trasę […]