I suppose everyone has those moments when they stop and think: “I want to get out of here”. I wanna go somewhere. I wanna do something, push myself a little. Unlike our parents or our parents’ parents, we are very lucky to be living in times when there are at least thousand-and-one ways to explore the realm of all things foreign and abroad. Study abroad programs such as Erasmus exchanges, work-and-travel, Au-pair, various internships, missions and scholarships… – you name it! One particular way to do it, is to become an EVS volunteer.
Sara Muñoz, a Spanish volunteer living in Poznan, agreed to sit down with us and talk you through the ins and outs of becoming an EVS member. I’m not afraid to admit that to me it sounds like a pretty good deal! Since EVS (European Voluntary Service) is a part of the Erasmus+ Network, it is largely funded by the European Council and as such it provides very student-friendly working terms. Young people that take part in the programme get to go abroad and work in a public institution (very often an NGO) in exchange for room & board plus a small salary to cover everyday expanses. Most programs also include a language course and support in the adaptation process (culture shock can be difficult to get through on one’s own, y’all).
Listen to the show to find out more. Also, you will learn a few more tasty bits about Spain intself 🙂 (I promise one day I’ll learn how to run an interview without diverging into food talk! One day… )
Yours, Zuza

Also, if you ever miss a show here’s a link to our mixcloud page. You’ll find all the shows there. Enjoy!